GoldSeek Radio Nugget – Bob Moriarty: “,700 gold is a good price.”

GoldSeek Radio Nugget – Bob Moriarty: “$2,700 gold is a good price.”


Bob Moriarty says gold shares continue to climb the wall of worry within a new bull market. The interview includes a review of the weekly charts of gold, PM’s shares, US stock and bond indexes.
Bob is the founder of

– Bob thinks $2,700 gold is a great price for the king of currencies.

…Strangely enough, daily sentiment—you know how important I think that is—has not yet signaled an absolute top. However, it has indicated it’s time for a correction, and quite a lot [of them]. Corrections are part and parcel of the bull market, and frankly, $2,700 gold is a good price.

– After months of new high prices, gold bulls need a break to build momentum for the next big advance.
– The S&P 500 index exploded to a new record level on interest rates and exuberance following the election.
– With interest rates sharply higher, investors continue to avoid debt, which is deeply within a 4-year bear market, in favor of US shares.
– The Gold Bugs Index, the HUI continues to make impressive gains.
– Are geopolitical risks as elevated as some think or is the equities market uptrend suggest fears are overblown?

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